About & Contact



Ah. I write this with mixed emotions. The Culinary Jumble is no longer. Well, it will stay where it is for now but there will be no new recipes.

I have spent an amazing four years getting to grips with blogging and now take that expertise to a brand, fresh new blog The Spelt Kitchen. The Culinary Jumble has simply run its course. This brings bittersweet emotions: excitement for a new venture by sadness at saying goodbye to a loyal friend.

Thank you so much to everyone who has supported me these past four years. Come and join me on the other side!

2 thoughts on “About & Contact

  1. I was searching for your recipe for your Easter cake expecting it to have more one layer. Evidently it did in the past but all that exists now is a single layer 6-inch cake. IF at one time it was a larger multiple layer cake is it possible to obtain that recipe from you? I truly enjoy your blog & am sorry to hear that it will no longer exist. Wishing a blessed remainder of the year 2019.
    1. Hi Margo! I don't recall making a two layer Easter cake. The only one I remember making was the one layer carrot cake, as you mention. I am wondering if you are thinking of another cake that I made around Easter time? Sorry to not be of more assistance! Glad that you like the blog - come over and see me at The Spelt Kitchen - lots of good recipes there, too!

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